Wednesday, October 29, 2008

9/27, 9/28, 9/29

I should know better by now than to plan stuff for the week of Halloween. I used to think that Halloween week felt busy because I was always getting back from visiting my parents and trying to get settled back into real life and then suddenly it was a holiday, but it has been just as busy this year and we didn't go to Ohio this year (we went in August instead).

Monday - I didn't go to the grocery store on Saturday, so I needed to go today... So no time for a regular school day. I had the older girls work on their multiplication tables and the presentations that they are doing for our mini government class. Sierra is doing hers on Eleanor Roosevelt and Kali is doing hers on Abraham Lincoln. I also "made" them practice their instruments. Government class in the afternoon. Then Kali's violin lesson. Sierra and Arwen and I stopped at the library to get a few things. Busy, Busy, day

Tuesday - Still working through the government and president books. I thought we would be done by now, but the girls are really enjoying it. We are learning the presidents in order with a song I found on You Tube. I think we did math this day. I think the older 2 just worked on multiplication. I also encouraged them to work on their presentations and practice their instruments. Did weekly chores, Went to a Physics demonstration at the University in the afternoon, came home and went to our church Halloween party. Thank goodness there was a dinner. Another busy day, I was definitely not up for cooking.

Wednesday - Read about women in political positions, math - still working on multiplication. Ran out of time to do anything else before running off to Art Class. My turn to teach the younger class. Stopped to get fabric and patterns for the choir outfit I have to make for Sierra (ugh! I have never sewn clothes before...), Some time before bedtime the older girls practiced their instruments and worked on their presentations.

Whew, only 2 more days until Halloween. There is a party for homeschooled tweens on Thursday and a Healthy Trunk or Treat on Friday - I am skipping them both... what my kids don't know won't hurt them. Between the church Halloween party and Friday night's trick or treating, I think that will be plenty of Halloween for one year. Then I will catch my breath for a few weeks and then it will be Christmas time. Luckily most of our regular activities will be on break in December. Next year I will remind everyone that we should also take Halloween week off, too.

1 comment:

Ann said...

I should know better by now than to plan stuff for the week of Halloween. I used to think that Halloween week felt busy because I was always getting back from visiting my parents and trying to get settled back into real life and then suddenly it was a holiday.....(((And because my crazy friend, Ann, made me do tons of activities! See, it's not my fault!))))

: P