Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to School

Christmas Break just flew by. I feel like I should have bunches of learning moments to share, but I can't think of them right now. Hum, let me rack my brain (and check my calender...). Sierra and Kali and I (Arwen was sick) went to a Birds of Prey presentation at a local museum on December 30th. We got a bunch of educational toys for Christmas. A frog habitat (need to figure out when to order the tadpole), a star theater (we've played around with it, but need to figure out how it really works), paper dolls from around the world (a big hit), various games (clue, frog juice, quiddler, sequence, Yahtzee, Penguin Match, Chomp). Sierra got a new fairy book that has her writing bunches of stuff in her new notebook (another gift). Mostly the girls played while I tried to get a bunch of sutff done that I never have time to do when we are in doing school mode. I got some done, but not as much as I would have liked...

OK, today

Read Aloud - a random picture book that Arwen got from the library. I never get around to reading just to her, so I included it today. And a chapter from Family under the Bridge.

Writing - Thank you notes

Reading - Sierra and Kali both started Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Kali doesn't seem to be following it... Arwen - ugh! She is giving me such a hard time. I am starting to wonder if she has vision issues or ADD... I am partly kidding and partly not. She just won't sit still and when she does she holds the book at a weird angle and can't seem to focus. I am thinking of starting over in 100 lessons and just going through it quickly. And letting her reread the first level of Bob books to give her confidence and so she can relearn some of the letter sounds that she can't seem to remember.


Practice instruments


Kali's violin lesson

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