Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fall 2009

OK, time to catch up on this blog. If you read my other blog you know that we spent this fall trying out the K12 curriculum through Hawaii Technology Academy. For the most part it ended up being a huge disaster. I was miserable. The kids were miserable. But I am glad that we tried it because we did gain a lot of insight.

1. We now appreciate better the way we have always homeschooled

2. I have learned better what kind of work I should be expecting of my kids at their grade levels.

3. The kids learned the kind of work that would be expected of them in school.

4. I discovered areas where my kids were weak and areas where they were strong.

5. I got ideas to use on our own in certain subjects especially writing.

Things the girls learned about using K12:

Sierra - Earth Science, American History from 1865, fractions, read Island of the Blue Dolphin and a bunch of short stories, art lessons

Kali - some Hawaiian History, ecosystems, chemistry, plant and animal interactions, the human body, read Charlotte's Web, an abridged version of Robinson Crusoe, and some short stories

Arwen - Mesopatamia, ancient Egypt, states of matter, weather, animal classification, light, read aloud Mrs. Piggle Wiggle and Winnie the Pooh and other short stories

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