Thursday, March 5, 2009

2/9 - 2/27

Oops, I got a little behind updating this blog. Things have been going really smoothly with the new schedule. I guess we just got chugging along and I forgot about keeping track on this blog.

Every day (that we didn't have a morning activity) the older 2 girls started their "morning school" around 10 am. They read a chapter from whatever book they are working on, did some writing (copywork or free write), 4 pages of math (Singapore), studied their spelling words, practiced typing (Typing Instructor), and practiced their instruments. Then supposedly around 11am, but usually closer to noon, we had group school time. In February we got through chapter 17 in SOTW 2 and have been working on a poetry curriculum that I am Beta testing. I also went crazy and got a bunch of French learning CD's from the library and we have been listening to those. After lunch I worked with Arwen on her math and reading and worked individually with Sierra and Kali usually working on math, spelling or grammar. I really would like to be done by 2pm, but so far it has been closer to 3pm. I really need to find a way to shorten MY morning routine. Spend less time on the computer... One nice thing about the older girls getting started with school on their own is that even if I am "running late" in the mornings I still have time to exercise. I can't use the "I need to get started with school" excuse. And I am telling you I need to exercise. I have noticed in the last year if I don't exercise I start packing on the pounds. Getting older is really a pain sometimes.

Other fun activities in February included:

Math Club
A Homeschool Valentine's Day Roller Skating Party
Storytelling - Russian Tales
Reciting at the Roney's - kids took turns reciting memorized poems.

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